Laughter Meditation CD-NEU!

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Osho Laughter Meditation

Import - Booklet in Englisch!

Meditation in three stages of 20 minutes as described by Osho in the book "The sun behind the Sun" - the third stage contains music by the Osho Institute of Music and Celebration.

First stage:

Sitting silently, eyes closed, create a giggle in the very guts of your being, as if your whole body is giggling and laughing. Start swaying with the laughter and let it spread from the belly to the whole of your body: hands laughing, feet laughing. Go crazily into it. If it comes up roariously, loudly, allow it; if it comes silently, then somestimes silently, sometimes loudly - keep on laughing. This stage is over when you hear a gong beat.

Second stage:
Lie down, spread yourself on the floor, facing the floor. Make contact with the earth, the whole body lying down there, and just feel that the earth is the mother and you are the child. Get lost in that feeling. Breathe with the earth, feel one with the earth.

Third stage:
Stand up and start dancing. Energized by the earthing, you will have so much energy that your dancing will have a different quality to it. Just dance, any dance.

The  meditation is over when you hear three gongs.

"Twenty minutes laughter, then twenty minutes earthing, deep contact with the earth. Breathe with the earth, feel one with the earth. We come from the earth and one day we will be going back to it. After those twenty minutes energizing - because the earth will give so much energy that your dancing will have a different quality to it - dance for twenty minutes, just any dance. Put music on and dance. If it is difficult, it is cold, then you can do this inside a room, or when it is sunny, do it outside. If it is very cold, cover yourself with a blanket. Find ways and means but continue to do it, and within six to eight months you will see great changes happening on their own. " Osho, The Sun behind the Sun behind the Sun.