Equilibrium oil B012


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  • Description

BALANCE 12: "Peace in the New Aeon"
Top: Clear
Lower: Blue
Shakes Together As: Blue

Chakra: Throat
Tarot Card: The Hanged Man
I Ching Sign: # 12, "Standstill" Heaven Above, Earth Below

Main Theme: Peaceful, friendly communication, Nurture and creativity.

Dominant Characteristics: A person who acts from a peaceful, yet emotionally heartfelt base. Nurtures and carries others, and feels deeply connected to them. Possesses a clear vision of ones own initiatives. May feel guided, and can speak about this feeling, as well as his/her intuitive insights. Clarity of thought and creativity.

Possible Challenge Aspects: An egocentric personality who is shut off from spiritual matters. Suffers from a lack of peace within. Can feel "above" others and appears arrogantly to others. ,May have difficulty with communication. May have an exaggerated need to be carried and nurtured by others.

Spiritual Level: Establishes contact with guidance and an orientation of the soul. Brings about a meditative, calm peaceful access to clarity from within.

Mental Level: Can reduce egocentricity and lead to a feeling of wholeness and orientation. Can support anyone to learn to speak and to express ones own self.

Emotional Level: Encourages a release (for example, through the shedding of tears), and aids in regaining peace. Establishes contact with the inner voice.

Where to Apply the Substance: Around the entire neck.

Affirmation: The more at peace I am, the more light I am given.