The birthing process in terms of my awareness came prior to December 14th, became actualised on December 14th and has continued to grow until it is that this birth has taken place. Queen Mab is the Queen of the Fairies.
Queen Mab has appeared in many different theological and artistic works, she is referred to by Shakespeare in ‘Romeo & Juliet’ and frequently in Irish lore under the name of Mab along with, Maebh, Medb and Maeve. Medb is known as a Celtic Sovereignty Goddess of War and Fertility. In many texts she is referred to as having sexual prowess and dominance. Percy Bysshe Shelley wrote an epic moral poem called ‘Queen Mab’ in which he refers to her as ‘Queen of Spells’.
I am the Fairy Mab: to me ‘tis given
The wonders of the human world to keep:
The secrets of the immeasurable past,
In the unfailing consciences of men,
Those stern, unflattering chroniclers, I find:
The future, from the causes which arise
In each event, I gather: not the sting
Which retributive memory implants
In the hard bosom of the selfish man;
Nor that extatic and exulting throb
Which virtue’s votary feels when he sums up
The thoughts and actions of a well-spent day,
Spirit of Nature! here!
In this interminable wilderness
Of worlds, at whose immensity
Even soaring fancy staggers,
Here is thy fitting temple.
Yet not the lightest leaf
That quivers to the passing breeze
Is less instinct with thee:
Yet not the meanest worm
That lurks in graves and fattens on the dead
Less shares thy eternal breath.
Spirit of Nature! thou!
Imperishable as this scene,
Here is thy fitting temple.
Percy Bysshe Shelley was recognised as being unconventional, an idealist and an avid vegetarian. He thought of vegetarianism as a way of life, a way of putting the care in the little things, he recognised the discrepancy between loving animals and eating them, he challenged convention. Shelley’s view was not only a political gesture, it was also socioeconomic and to do with the being of the earth, his love of nature, his love of animals and how he found the conventional forms of relationship something which were very difficult to adhere to. In other words the love, like that which is in the base of the bottle, and what it is that we’re asked to look at within ourselves is beyond convention.
The numbering is very significant with this particular bottle, we know the whole of the system of Aura-Soma comes to be an 8, the whole of the numerological significance of the letters Aura-Soma are a 26/8. With the 116 we’ve got an 8. When we look at the numbers of the time of the birth then 14/1/2019 > 9, the way that could be seen is an 18/9. That feels to me very appropriate because the Physical Rescue with the 8 is almost like a supportive energy for what is contained within the 8. When we look at the significance of that 8 appearing then we’ve also got to look at the Spiritual Rescue, the 0 and we’ve also got to look at the 20, the Child Rescue or the New Aeon Rescue or the Star Child, the B20 shows itself in a deeper form, kind of in between the 0 and the 20. In that sense the 8 relationship with the beginning bottle of the sequence, the 0, then the 2 with the 0 as being something that is also encompassing that spiritual rescue quality because of the 0 with the 2. When we look at the 8 as the bottle in between (in terms of the colour gradation) the lighter version of the 0 and the deeper version of the 20 so it is then that we’re looking at something very profound of how it might also be a deeper level of spiritual rescue and the inner journey of perhaps that part of ourselves that stands at the edge of the cliff with all of the potential of what can be in relation to the elements and yet we need to learn and to understand how it is that through getting in touch with the elements we can work with them in cooperation with nature spirits, with the energy of Queen Mab as a kind of number 2 energy, a kind of High Priestess energy, she’s also part of the spirit of nature herself, like Shekinah. Shekinah as the female aspect Kabbalahisitically hidden in nature.
The birth of Queen Mab falls between two eclipses making this a very poignant time for the birth of a new bottle. The partial solar eclipse on January 5th signifies that many possibilities are available and we can start afresh, cleansing old behaviour patterns in order that we are able to make progress.